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Home / Gearing up for the New Internship in Georgian Bay

Gearing up for the New Internship in Georgian Bay

  • 2 min read

Training Designed to Meet a Need

Nobody understands the evolving drinking water challenges and needs of Indigenous communities more than the people who live there. Our training programs are designed to meet the needs that have been identified by our Indigenous community partners. With drinking water challenges, individuals who run treatment plants are vital to sustainable solutions.

We are very excited to share that 16 interns from 8 communities will be hired to train as drinking water operators starting June 2021:

Watch this clip where Mike Murray, project coordinator for the WBAFN Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems HUB, explains how the Water First Internship will benefit the First Nations communities in the Georgian Bay area.

Recruitment and Hiring

Water First and our community partners are gearing up for a combination of virtual and in-person recruitment aimed at building community awareness and generating excitement around the Internship. From our previous experiences, we have found this to be an area where Water First can provide valuable support. Watch for updates this summer when we introduce the new cohort of Water First interns!

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Alumni graduate Amy Waboose working in her community drinking water treatment plant.