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Water First
Water First Intern: Dyami Tuskin

Dyami Tuskin

Position: Shawanaga First Nation
Categories: Alumni

Before Dyami started the Internship Program, he didn’t know a whole lot about water quality. Dyami was working as a mechanic, but was searching for other meaningful work. After being sent the Internship job posting from the Shawanaga First Nation HR Manager, he decided to apply.

“At first, I was just doing this for myself but then realized that providing clean water to the community is one of the most important things someone could do for the community.”

After graduating from the Internship, Dyami hopes to pursue a career in the water or wastewater service field. 

“My favourite thing about the Internship is that I am in a career that myself, nor anybody, had thought I would be in.”

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Alumni graduate Amy Waboose working in her community drinking water treatment plant.